My thoughts on Windows Mobile 7...
My 1st smart phone was a SPV, i'm pretty sure it was the 1st Windows powered phone. It was buggy as hell but i loved it! so naturally i'm a windows mobile supporter even though i currently own an Android phone (Motorola Milestone).
Over the years its safe to say Windows mobile hasnt evolved much and competitors have caught up and arguably are way ahead of the OS. This is a perfect example of a company becoming complacent when really they should be leading the way!
Apparently there will be 2 versions of the Windows Mobile 7, Business and Media. The latter will include Xbox live intgergration and Zune capabilities. Companies that want to manufacture Windows Mobile devices have been given a minimum spec list which include a 1GHZ Snapdragon processor & HD recording camera sensor. So you can pretty much guess these will be high end devices. Rumour also states the OS wont be backwards compatable, so its a completely fresh start by Microsoft.
Only time will tell if its to late...